Reverse Beacon Network Hosted by
SSN:85 SFI:156 A:19 K:2
   DxWatch Callsign Lookup:

Who We Are

First and foremost, the Reverse Beacon Network comprises the over 1000 radio amateurs worldwide who have contributed spots to the RBN since its founding. but it also seems reasonable to add a few sentences about the individuals who have contributed much of their time and effort to this project. In alphabetical order, by callsign:

F5VIH F5VIH, SV3SJ - Nick is a physicist and computer scientist, formerly with CERN (the European center for particle physics) and now working at the ITU Radiocommunications Bureau in Geneva, Switzerland. He lives in France, designed the Spots Analysis Tool, and is responsible for a lot of the server-side architecture and optimization.
KM3T KM3T - Dave is a independent computer consultant, based in New Hampshire, who has contributed expertise on scalability, operations, and architecture. He and K5TR run one of the RBN telnet servers. Dave is an active contester with many single-op and multi-op operations under his belt. He also runs one of the active Skimmer Servers on the RBN. He is on the WRTC 2014 Board of Directors and actively involved in event preparations. Dave is also founder and owner of the popular aviation site
K7MJG Mark

K7MJG - Mark is a career software architect based in Phoenix, Arizona. He has been working with Felipe to bring back the RBN map and modernize the website. Mark also wrote the SKCC Sked Page and the SKCC Skimmer for the SKCC CW club.

N4ZR N4ZR - Pete is a long-time contester, retired NASA official and writer about contesting and software who lives in eastern Maryland. He participated, along with PY1NB, in the seminal e-mail conversation that led to the establishment of the RBN. Today, he runs a Skimmer Server on the RBN, does most of the writing for this web site and the RBN blog. and does publicity for the RBN whenever he can find an opportunity.
PY1NB PY1NB, CT7ANO - Felipe is a businessman living in Sintra, Portugal, with a degree in graphic design. He was one of the creators of of the RBN, He wrote the first Aggregator software, and is responsible for most of the RBN's website design and server management. He also runs the popular DXWatch web site, which provided the model and much of the code for the RBN.
W3OA W3OA - Dick is a retired Air Force Colonel and NASA official living in North Carolina. He's been programming in his spare time since the 1970's. He wrote the first Windows Aggregator, and has steadily refined and improved the software to its current excellence, and worked with Felipe extensively on optimization and testing of the server. He also operates a Skimmer Server node on the RBN.