The RBN Aggregator
This software receives spots from CW Skimmer or Skimmer Server's telnet port, and send the spots to the Reverse Beacon Network.
Aggregator must be running whenever you wish to send spots to the RBN. No installation is required - just copy the aggregator file to a folder you can write to (such as C:\HamRadio), and place a shortcut on an appropriate place like the desktop.
Aggregator will warn you if there is a newer version of the software available than the one you are currently using.
Microsoft .NET framework version 4 must be installed.
The current version of the Aggregator is version 6.7, which can be downloaded below.
For further information, watch the RBN blog and the RBN-OPS group on
Files available for download:
Aggregator v6.7.exe
Aggregator v6.7.exe
Using Aggregator - v6.0.pdf
Using Aggregator, current version
Set of instructions for running both RTTY SkimServ and CW SkimServ on the same QS1R SDR receiver.